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Dankaz Family

By Assistance

Client Story: Dankaz Family


The Dankaz family came to the US in September 2022 after fleeing from Syria. The family of five, including the father who has a physical disability, came to Ma’ruf because they did not have any food in their apartment.


The family met with their Case Manager who immediately enrolled them in the weekly grocery program through our Food Pantry. They were also provided a Home Welcome Package so they would have all the necessary items to make their new home more complete. The three children, who are extremely smart, were enrolled in Ma’ruf Dallas weekend Youth Program, so they could get help with school work and improve on their English skills.


The family has settled much better, and they’ve been meeting with their Case Manager at Ma’ruf Dallas regularly. The older son and daughter took the Driving Course we offer and received their learner’s permit. They have also received their work permits, and their mother has now gotten a job. The father’s disability application was also submitted and this family now has hope for the future.


By Assistance

Client Story: Muzdha


Muzdha escaped from Afghanistan on her own, under extremely difficult circumstances. During the mass evacuation from Afghanistan at the end of 2021, Muzdha and her family planned on evacuating together. However, a bomb blast near the airport separated them and although Muzdha was able to get onto a plane, her husband, children and parents got left behind.


Muzdha met with her case manager every week to establish her resettlement plan. During this time, Ma’ruf Dallas helped her get her own apartment and provided rental assistance until she was able to find a job. We helped her apply for food stamps, and until the food stamps got approved, she received weekly groceries from our food pantry. Finally, she received a Home Welcome Package from Ma’ruf Dallas, which allowed her to better settle into her new home.

Muzdha also benefited from our Driving Program so she could learn to drive and get her driver’s license.


Muzdha successfully found a job in the retail sector and got her driver’s license. She also received a car through our Car Program, which allows her with the transportation security she needs to be able to continue to grow. Finally, Muzdha was connected with a lawyer to assist with her asylum case, which has been applied for and pending.

This Ramadan, help the most vulnerable members of our North Texas community. In this time of crisis, your donation will help those in your community who need food, help with utilities, safe shelter, and hope