Client Story: Dankaz Family
The Dankaz family came to the US in September 2022 after fleeing from Syria. The family of five, including the father who has a physical disability, came to Ma’ruf because they did not have any food in their apartment.
The family met with their Case Manager who immediately enrolled them in the weekly grocery program through our Food Pantry. They were also provided a Home Welcome Package so they would have all the necessary items to make their new home more complete. The three children, who are extremely smart, were enrolled in Ma’ruf Dallas weekend Youth Program, so they could get help with school work and improve on their English skills.
The family has settled much better, and they’ve been meeting with their Case Manager at Ma’ruf Dallas regularly. The older son and daughter took the Driving Course we offer and received their learner’s permit. They have also received their work permits, and their mother has now gotten a job. The father’s disability application was also submitted and this family now has hope for the future.